We provide skin testing for all of the important airborne allergies in North Texas. This includes pollens such as ragweed, Mt. Cedar, grasses, and other tree and weed pollens. We also test for perennial allergens such as dust, mold , and animal dander. Blood testing for allergies is also available for food allergies and for those patients in whom we cannot perform skin testing for airborne allergies.
Our most popular allergy treatment is sublingual drops, also known as sublingual immunotherapy. The drops contain the specific allergens based on an individual's allergy testing results. The drops are placed under the tongue once a day and over time the immune system gradually learns to tolerate the exposure to the allergies.
Allergy shots are also used in our practice for long term allergy improvement. The solution in the shots is similar to the solution that we use for drop under the tongue and contains the specific allergens based on an individual's allergy testing results. The shots are given once a week in our office.
Our ENT experts routinely manage medications to alleviate allergy symptoms. Medical management is an important part of overall care for allergy and sinus disease. We recommend medications with the least amount of adverse side effects.